Monday, June 02, 2008

Best Comic

Work is getting a bit crazy, my brain is slowly melting, so this might be a little short.

Lots of comics last week. Here's the list:

All-Star Superman #11 - Best comic. This will go down as Morrison's finest achievement.

Batman #676: aaaannnnd... I'm bored again. The Black Glove, somehow, became less crazy and fresh and just became whiny and petulant.

Blue Beetle #27: Kind of a mediocre issue.

Final Crisis #1: Disappointing. Hope it gets better.

Giant-Size Annual Astonishing X-Men #1: Good climax, but, what was the story about again?

Green Lantern #31: Still like the origin stuff. 2nd place.

JLA Classified #38: Getting tired of Wildcat.

New Avengers #41: Some "Hey, remember this stuff I wrote? Even then I was planning the Secret Invasion" self-congratulation-slash-exposition from Bendis.

Number of the Beast #4: Still pretty good. The Tumbleweed character is neat.

Shadowpact #25: Blue Devil gets his powers back. They should have kept him in the suit. Otherwise, big climax. Hope they can get to a more interesting arc now.

Wolverine First Class #3: Less fanciful than previous issues. I liked the fanciful. Wolverine is the best straight man in Marvel after Xavier.

Seeya next week!


Blogger Moopy said...

Walking Dead #49- INCREDIBLE! JUST LIKE 1-48 WERE! OMG!!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008  

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