Wednesday, July 25, 2007

New Feature! Best comic of the week.

Ok, so this is my only feature. So far. But it had to start somewhere. This week was a tough one, as Invincible came out, and I'm a big fan of that book. The new Blue Beetle is also darn good: I love the banter in that book, and it features an old Firestorm villain, Typhoon! I was big into the old Firestorm, so that was a nostalgia kick for me.

However, the best book of the week goes to:

Starlord! I remember, when I was young, I bought the very first Star Lord in a giant-sized format. It was weird, because it had God in it (later redacted and made into the "Lord of the Sun"). In any case, this issue is great. It's the first of a four part miniseries, and features five other nearly forgotten Marvel heroes from the misty past, including Bug, from the Micronauts, and Mantis, who will provide a pivotal role when these guys eventually meet up with the Quasar/Moondragon group . This is just a team building book, but Giffen writes it so well that it remains interesting even if there isn't a lot of action. Thumbs up and congratulations for being the first "Best Book of the Week"!

How's that for content?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what this blog needs? An RSS feed.

Thursday, August 02, 2007  
Blogger John said...

Do I look like some high-tech guy that can summon up fancy web 2.0 functionality at the drop of the hat?

Actually, I think I can just get blogger to do that for me, I'll check it out.

I'm having troubles trying just to post stuff since my password to my domain was changed last week. I'll have the best comic I read this week up soon, I hope.

Also, a good article on a facial recognition study on Science daily this morning. They flashed a "fear" or "happy" face for 30 milliseconds before showing the test subjects the picture of a "suprised" face. The 30 second subliminal flash was enough to color the subject's perspective of the face, getting them to say it was either a "suprised in fear" face or a "suprised by something neat" face.

Thursday, August 02, 2007  

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