Friday, June 29, 2007

Frequent Brain Stimulation In Old Age Reduces Risk Of Alzheimer's Disease

Science Daily reports that using your brain wards off Alzheimer's.

Bookmarking here for future reference. Also:

Exercise Stimulates The Formation Of New Brain Cells

I'm thinking of starting a community oriented site based around helping paranoid people like me ward off decreasing mental clarity as they age.

I know. Laugh away. If I can't update this site (I've finished 3 games since Mythica, which was when I set this site up) then how the heck am I gonna put together something new? Well, I'm gonna get to it! Ok?

In comic news, the quality of comics this year is still sliding. This last issue of Justice League just blew my mind in how unrewarding it was to read.

This monster crossover between the JSA and the JLA and the old-school Legion of Superheroes looked promising, but, in the end, there was no conflict. No one really fought anything. The characters didn't learn anything new. No one changed. There weren't even any villains. The Legion wanted to resurrect a member of their team: to do so, one of them would have to die by lightning bolt. But they didn't want anyone to stop them, so they were real sneaky about it. In the end, their plan worked better than they had thought: they got the essence or whatever they were looking for, in doing so, they brought back Wally West (the Flash) from the limbo he's been in since Infinite Crisis, and no one had to die because Karate Kid managed to "dodge" the lightning bolt. This book defines underwhelming.

In Countdown, Captain Atom shows up in his Monarch armor and suddenly he's acting like Doctor Doom (thanks Comics Should Be Good for that comparison). An old-school fan of Captain Atom, I picked up his miniseries last year, and he was still a pretty good guy. Then, he comes back from the Wildstorm universe, he goes into a coma, he begins to leak radiation, they give him this neato suit and BAM! He's a manipulative villain wannabe? Ugh.

I can see that, with the new 52 universe, DC is trying to show that the old Silver Age history is trying to reassert itself over the retconned history formed after the original Crisis, but I'm not sure that this effort isn't just highly indicative of how insular and inbred the industry has become, where you need to have a doctorate in comicology to know where all these characters and plots are coming from.


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