Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Best Comic etc.

I really need a better title.

So, this week was a good week in comics. Batman #668, Star Lord, Invincible, Astonishing X-Men, X-Men First Class, and The Order were all worthy contenders. Heck, I only got two books I thought was of less quality: the ever-worsening Countdown and JSA Classified (Starring Mr. Terrific).

Its more fun talking about the bad stuff, so a brief word on that: I'm not liking what Countdown is doing with Mary Marvel. Her previous character was pretty unique in the DC Universe. Sure, it was cornball, possibly a little too girlscout, but it was clean of the "I'm angry all the time because I'm so edgy" thing that Powergirl or Supergirl have currently. Maybe they'll bring the old characterization back, but it seems too easy to me to pick Mary out of a list of powerful B-listers that would be interesting to corrupt, because, in essence, she was the one who stood out as uncorrupt already. I think it's more interesting to take someone who is already fighting their corrupt nature and then doubling the forces trying to push them towards the dark side. Also, the whole Jimmy Olsen thing is getting tiresome, and the Trickster and the Pied Piper can only do so much to keep the book from being a total waste.

JSA Classified had some of the worst art I've seen in a while. Everyone looked like they were wearing those flesh masks that the Texas Chainsaw Massacre guy wore. Several people looked like they had no eyes. Terrific himself looked like one of those shrunken heads you make out of apples. I like Mr. Terrific as a hero, I've always liked science heroes, but the art really got in the way of the story, which was already perhaps a little too Hollywood to start with. I think the writer saw too many Wesley Snipes movies before he wrote it. Also, the writer just doesn't get how smart Terrific is: its his most distinguishing feature. Terrific just acts dumb all the way through.

Now that we've said all that, here's the best comic of the week!

Blue Beetle! As I've said before, this book has some of the best dialog out there. It's funny and it's fast and I love how the characters interact. In this issue, BB gets to join the Teen Titans to fight Lobo. It's funny, but not silly, and Rogers does the Teen Titan characters better than you see them in their own book.

Congrats to Blue Beetle! You rock!



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