Friday, August 21, 2009

More Random Stuff

I like bulleted lists:

1) "War of Kings" is over. How many times does Vulcan have to tell us he's an "Omega Level Mutant"? Why is this supposed to impress anyone? Also, it is interesting how they kept ratcheting up his power levels as the series went on, because they suddenly realized that the Vulcan who went out in to space in Uncanny X-Men was pretty much Farm League when it came to fighting mano-a-mano with Black Bolt. Also: they have reduced the power of Black Bolt's voice. Having him speak inside a Spaceship should have ripped the entire ship apart, rather than merely flay the skin off Vulcan. Sheesh.
1a) Yes, I'm aware of how geeky the above paragraph makes me look.
2) I've been playing XBOX360 games for a couple months: Fable2, Oblivion, and now Prince of Persia. Note to Ubisoft: Prince of Persia's combat is teh suxor. When I hit a button, I expect it to do something. I'm going to have to resort to a gamefaq for learning how to fight better.
3) Blackest Night is continuing to roll on. I wonder if Geoff Johns went into Didio's office one day and said "Hey Dan, next year, I'm gonna kill off about 50% of the DC Universe and make them fight the other 50%."
4) Wikipedia entry on "Omega-Level Mutant":
Omega-level mutants

An Omega-level mutant is one with the most powerful genetic potential of their mutant abilities. The term was first seen in the 1986 issue Uncanny X-Men #207, but was completely unexplained (beyond the obvious implication of it referring to an exceptional level of power).The term was not seen again until the 2001 limited series X-Men Forever. Some abilities depicted by mutants described as Omega-level include immortality, extreme manipulation of matter and energy, high psionic ability, strong telekinesis, and the potential to exist beyond the boundaries of the known physical universe. No firm definition has been offered in comics, but the term clearly refers to extraordinarily powerful mutants, such as Jean Grey,[2] Vulcan,[3] Rachel Summers,[4] Iceman, [5] Elixir,[6] and Franklin Richards.

Yeah, they said Iceman.


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