Thursday, December 31, 2009

Obligatory "Best Of..." Blog post

Here we are at the end of the decade. What could be more appropriate than a blog post? Nothing, that's what!

I've been trying to think of some of the "bests" about this past decade. It's been a long ten years. The 90's basically flew by compared to this. So many things have changed: if I were trying to predict what life would be like in 2010 from the year 1999, I don't think I would have got any aspect of it right.

Anyway, instead of doing a painstaking review of everything that has happened this past 10 years, and then comparing each thing to another to distill what, indeed, was the best thing of the decade, I'm going just going to cover what I remember the best.

Best Comic Series of the decade: All-Star Superman. All Star Superman is Grant Morrison's masterpiece, as far as I'm concerned. Each issue is a gem mixing whimsy, wonderment, and a return to Silver Age sensibilities that satisfies on many levels.

Best Single-Player Game of the Decade: I'm going with Portal on this one. Portal really hit it out of the park for me, combining puzzle solving, great physics and a funny story.

Best MMO of the Decade: World of Warcraft. This needs no explanation. I sank more hours into this game than any other over the past 10 years.

Biggest Surprise of the Decade: Facebook. Facebook has completely redefined what my community is. I don't know if this is good, but Facebook is currently the closest thing to what we used to call "Cyberspace" that we currently have. Next step: cortical shunts. ;-)

Biggest change in the way we live our lives: Google and Wikipedia, putting information at our fingertips. I can't tell you how much I've come to rely on the internet and these applications to supplement my knowledge. It's like a separate part of my brain where I keep all my useless knowledge. Because everyone can access it, it's like I'm sharing this part of my brain with everyone else. It's like telepathy, kinda.

Biggest realization: All information is a lie. It's the two watch syndrome: A man with one watch knows what time it is, the man with two watches is never sure. The increase in information flow has shown us that opinion and fact are inseparable, and that no fact that we took for granted before the internet can't be challenged as false. Politics, science, statistics: all are suspect. Our road to the future is more uncertain than ever before. The next decade will be interesting, if anything.

So, as we head into the next year, I can't promise that I'll be posting more frequently. My free time shrinks consistently as I head into the future. But I'll try my best. ;-)

Have a great New Year!


Blogger Chad said...

Happy New Year to you as well!

Friday, January 01, 2010  
Blogger Chad said...

Had to check out Portal. It is really addictive. I am almost finished with it. Thanks for the tip!

Saturday, January 02, 2010  

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