Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Least worst comic of the week

As you can see by the title, this week was pretty underwhelming. Here's what I got:

Countdown #35
Four Horsemen #1
Countdown to Adventure #1
Teen Titans #50
Avengers Initiative #5
Brit #1

Countdown is still messy. The Mary Marvel story still irritates me: in this issue, she gets zapped back into her Mary Batson form, where suddenly, instead of going "Crap, I need to control myself when I'm Marvel-ized", she moans about how no one likes her. No one likes a whiner, Mary!

Several of this weeks issues were first issues. All of them had the problem that they had to introduce the characters and set up the conflict. Unfortunately, these three comics (Four Horsemen, Countdown to Adventure and Brit) didn't succeed in making the characters compelling. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman phoned it in, the heroes in Adventure came off less than noble (and half the issue was taken up with the Forerunner's history, which seemed out of place) (and the Monarch, the worst casualty of Countdown, is a guest star here) and Brit... well, it wasn't fun, which is the main attraction of Kirkman's "Invincible".

Avengers: Initiative was a crossover with the World War Hulk stuff, so it spent too much time away from the main characters. This book is on the short list of titles in danger of being dropped. I don't have a lot of investment in these characters, and unless we get back to character development, I don't see a lot of future for this title.

This leaves Teen Titans #50. Congratulations Teen Titans for being the least objectionable title I bought this week!! Woohoo!
Teen Titans Go!

There was some good stuff in this book. It had several stories within it: some good, some kinda bland. I think Bart Allen, the former (and now dead) Flash, has finally been memorialized enough. Please. The book also has the lead in to the next plot, which has the Justice League being taken out one by one, and surprise villains showing up in the end. However, the quality of the book was brought down significantly by the inclusion of several pages taken straight from last week's Blue Beetle, which A) was an abrupt shift in the story that was apropos of nothing and B) lame filler, even if I liked it a lot the first time.

Another week, another post! Pretty soon, I'll be like the Walter Cronkite of the blogoverse! Or something...


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