Saturday, September 29, 2007

Best Comic

Another week, another batch of comics. This week was expensive! Here's what I got:

Batman #669
Blue Beetle #19
Brit #2
Countdown #31
Countdown to Adventure #2
Four Horsemen #2
Iron Man #22
JLA Classified #30
JLA Classified #43
Justice League #13
Paralax #1
Starlord #3
Teen Titans #51

Some good stuff in there, and some less than good stuff.

Weekly Countdown Report: It's been 3 days since I've read Countdown, and I can't remember what happened. Oh, yeah... Mary Marvel turned some Turkish security guards into stone and Eclipso knocked off one of their heads. Note for people who didn't think Mary Marvel could turn people to stone: since she got Black Adam's power, which combines his and Isis's powers, Mary Marvel can now do magical stuff like turn Turks to stone, which I believe is a 4th level wizard's spell, along with advanced prismatic ray and polymorph: marmoset. Otherwise, I can't remember what happened in that issue.

Justice League was pretty good. The best part was John Stewart giving Black Lightning grief about the new haircut.

Paralax was slipped into my pull and I forgot to take it out before it got rang up. I wouldn't advise getting it, it's pretty whiny.

JSA Classified still has the crappiest art. There's one scene where Mr. Terrific is talking with several other JSA members who are all out of costume. I couldn't tell who anyone was.

JLA Classified is a psychological journey through J'onn J'onnz' mind. Not as bad as I thought it would be, but not great, either.

Anyway, the best comic this week was:

Blue Beetle!

This issue had great dialog! The relationship between the main character and his supporting cast is the best out there right now. It's kind of like Seinfeld, in a way. Seinfeld wasn't the best actor in his TV show, so he let his supporting cast outshine him at every turn while he played the glue that kept all of them together. The same goes for this comic. The superhero has some good lines, but his supporting cast outshines him at every turn. His high school friends, his love interest, his mentor, his parents, everybody. It's like a team book with only one of the team having super powers.

Congratulations Blue Beetle!



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