Thursday, November 01, 2007

Best Comic: This Week and Last

My blogging inertia... failing...

Maybe not. Maybe so. This past weekend, I attended the IGDA Board of Director's anual retreat, and it ate up a lot of my blogging time.

This week, issue 26 of Countdown came out. Try and avoid it. It's a lot of talking and bad art. Remember when you couldn't tell any of the monitors apart? Now they are all different. There's female monitors, buggy monitors, giant monitors, etc. I wonder if it's a sign that each universe in the multiverse is getting more and more unique.

The best comic last week was X-Men, First Class #5. Great dialog, a fun battle with the Hulk, and a great couple of funny X-Men shorts in the back. This book is definitely one of my favorite new series.

This week, the best book was Trials of Shazam #9. Great interior art and a great ending made this book eek out over the new 52: Crime Bible series.

This week was also a big "Countdown to..." week. The new Doctor Fate is pretty interesting. We'll see if he gets a series that allows him to grow and become unique. In the past, Dr. Fate always ends up losing all character as soon as the DC universe suddenly finds itself in need of the mysterious master of the occult, and not the kooky, inexperienced character the last writer brought in to replace Kent Nelson. They really should have given his costume a new look so that it would be that much harder to drag him into the JSA or whatever and wipe whatever character he had clean as his shiny helmet.


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