Saturday, November 20, 2010

Comics and comics

It's been a while, but sometimes you just have to talk about comics.

I've been following the return of Batman. I'm sure a couple other people have, as well. I have a one-word description of it so far: non-event. Ok, that's one of those words that could be one, or could be two words, nut really, it doesn't matter.

Remember the Seven Soldiers of Victory? It ends in a confusing mass of wiggling storylines, like a handful of worms sneaking out of your slimy fist. Well, in the Return of Batman, there's only one storyline, and it ends pretty much like that slimy worm. While it takes a master craftsman to create an ending that leaves the sensation that it really isn't the end, like one of those nightmares that you wake up from and realize that you really didn't wake up from it at all, I'm still not feeling any happier that Bruce is back.

More complaints: I was highly tempted to write about how awesome the New Avengers was at #5. At the end of #5, Wolverine is given the combined powers of all the Avengers so he can fight Agamotto in an interdimensional plane. I can't tell you how much cool stuff went through my brain about how that fight was going to go in #6.

So, in #6, what does Wolverine do? He uses his claws. Period. No Thing strength, Ms. Marvel blasts, Dr. Strange spells, Spidey wit, etc. Just a lot of slashing. His opponent basically changes form to friends and foes from Wolverine's past. What a let down.

Well, let's hope things get better from here on out. Dead Avengers looks kinda cool. Hope they keep that one going after the Chaos War.


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