Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Best Comic

Oooh...fresh from the comic shop, here's the list!

Countdown #1 : The last issue. Does a drop in the bucket in the middle of a forest where no one is there to hear it make a noise? Yes, and it's a sad, disappointed, anticlimactic noise. "I'm Mary DAMN Marvel" indeed.

JLA #20: McDuffie is back and good writing comes with him with a Flash and Wonder Woman pair-up. It starts slow, but it gets better as the pair totally pwn Queen Bee. Sometimes it's nice to see what happens when the heroes have it together.

Mighty Avengers #13: The Secret Invasion Skrullks in (see what I did there?) as we see what's been up with Nick Fury for the past year or so, showing he's already one step ahead of the game.

Number of the Beast #2: Still pretty decent, we see some of what's going on behind the scenes as we learn more about these new heroes.

Shadowpact #24: Blue Devil is back in his old costume and I couldn't be happier! On the other hand, not much else that I care about happened.

Wolverine: First Class #2: Really good writing and characterization makes this a great read. Kitty Pryde shows Sabretooth what for and gives Wolverine his first birthday victory over Creed.

X-Men First Class #11: A scattered issue showing what comic writers really think of the people who read comics. Kinda disappointing.

Best Comic this week was hands down Wolverine: First Class. Woohoo!


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