Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Faulty science

I hate science news sometimes. Here's an example:

Morningness Is A Predictor Of Better Grades In College

This article states that researchers found that students who are "morning people" get better grades than "evening people".

My problems with this:
1) This test was only taken by kids in psychology courses. This means that "morning psychology students" get better grades in psychology than their evening counterparts. It doesn't cross over to the bartender school across the street.
2) It's common sense: people who stay up later are sleepier during morning classes the next day. Why do they need a test for this? We all know sleepy people have a harder time staying awake during boring collegiate psychology lectures than their wide-awake morning-oriented classmates.

What this college should do is realize that "evening" people should have classes of their own to maximize their most alert hours.

Oh, I also think this quote is the height of hubris: "The finding that college students who are evening types have lower GPAs is a very important finding, sure to make its way into undergraduate psychology texts in the near future..."

Gosh, they are so very important, aren't they?


Blogger Oracle_Batgirl said...

I'm an A student (college) for the most part, and I'm DEF-initely not a morning person.

Studies are always conducted with some bias and a good scientist looks at all the evidence with a critical eye.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008  

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