Thursday, December 20, 2007

Five Weeks of Countdown

It's been a while since I got to my comics. Last night, I sat down and read five weeks of Countdown. I do have to say that the comic has finally hit its stride and the pacing has improved a good bit. However, it still remains entirely uninteresting. It does, however, worry me about what they are going to do with the DC Universe after the "Final Crisis".

I also read the newest Nova, Welcome to Tranquility, Blue Beetle, and Black Adam. Each was good in its own way, Nova giving me great space superheroics, Tranquility wrapping up the town's fight with a major demon. Blue Beetle's art took a downturn, but the writing was decent. Black Adam was a filler issue but still managed to maintain the inertia of the former issues.

I still have a bunch more to read. I'll report back soon.


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