Thursday, December 27, 2007

Best Comic of the Year

I guess I should put one of these forward. I'm thinking of this as I type, so it'll be a suprise for both of us.

52 comes to mind as one of the best comics of the year. Though there were some disappointments, like the Luthor storyline, it was one comic I couldn't wait to get every week. Further, in comparing it to the present "Countdown" series, it seems all the better.

All-Star Superman also pops on to this list: Grant Morrison delivered quite a few stories that hit the ball out of the park. Blue Beetle gave us some of the best character interaction out there, Invincible never failed us, and the Atom gave us a good dose of weirdness and an extremely likeable main character.

I also need to mention the Black Adam miniseries: it's been doing well every issue, as has the "Trials of Shazam" mini.

I think, however, if I have to pick just one, my favorite series this year goes to "Welcome to Tranquility". Every character in this book is great: the interactions between the are great, the stories are great, and I believe they are cancelling it because no one reads it except people with great taste ;-).

Congratulations to Welcome to Tranquility and Gaile Simone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are such a DC fanboy! Where are the Marvel books on this list?

This reminds me though, I need to report on comics more on my site as well. Thanks.

Finally, I got the first issue of Tranquility and didnt' care for it. Maybe I need to give it more of a chance after seeing how highly you regard it.

Happy Winter John! Sorry for my absence from reading your blog.

Friday, December 28, 2007  
Blogger John said...

I am a DC fanboy! Of course, I have Invincible on that list, which is an Image book.

My preference for DC books is hinged on the fact that I started collecting again when I started on Justice League Heroes. Because DC is in the middle of this huge "Crisis" thing, I ended up getting a lot of books because they were tied in with that effort. Now, I'm stuck with them.

One book I wish I had collected this year was the Iron Fist series. I bought the first one and wasn't too impressed, but the series has been getting raves. Another Marvel book that was good this year was "MODOK's 11", but, in my hazy recollection, it didn't surface as much as the other books I mentioned did.

Other Marvel books I collected this year were The Order, which is good, The Initiative, which is decent, XMEN First Class, which is excellent and I should've mentioned it, Astonishing Xmen, which generally good, Uncanny Xmen, which was mediocre, Iron Man, which isn't fun because Marvel has turned him into its whipping boy, and Marvel's Illuminati, which was ok (except for when they made the Beyonder a mutated inhuman.)

Friday, December 28, 2007  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ok, you said it now and I forgive you. Astonishing X-Men is all I wanted. See, that wasn't so hard. :P

Monday, December 31, 2007  

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