Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Hollywood Reporter Article on Credits

I was prompted to send out the link to the credits article I was interviewed for. Here it is, reprinted at Gamedaily:

I guess I talk in run-on sentences.


Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, you may remember I'm not in th same camp as you are on this whole credits thing. I want people to have proper credit for sure, but I just think there are different ways to do that. I also don't think the reason Valve (or at least the only reason) puts their credits on screen in that fashion is to avoid headhunters. I've always assumed that the bigger reason (and why other companies do the same) is to have everyone feel equal and part of a bigger thing. So someone like Gabe doesn't stand out so much. But I've never asked them and maybe you have.

Monday, December 31, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's funny, I didn't really think of Valve's credit listing as a means of fending off headhunters either, though it probably has that side effect. Another side effect it has is that it makes it difficult for someone else in the industry to look at the credits and say, "Well, no wonder, they had 32 programmers on the thing" or whatever. So, some proprietary information is definitely hidden when you don't reveal what people have as roles.

On balance, I guess I like the idea of some standardization, but only because of the bad apples who don't play nice (Rockstar Vienna being one of those). In general, I'm fine with credits being willy-nilly as long as no one feels they're being unfairly taken advantage of. But I know that some people don't play nice...

Will a voluntary standard really matter? Do you think kids coming out of school to join the industry in some of these shops are really going to say, "Hey, do you follow the IGDA crediting standard?" and bail if the answer is no?

Wednesday, January 02, 2008  

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