Friday, February 01, 2008

Best Comic

It was a lean week for comics.

The Black Adam miniseries finally ended. Some nice double-dealing by Felix Faust, but all in all, an underwhelming ending to what started out as a powerful series. Things might have been better had the end of the series not been revealed almost a year ago in the first issues of Countdown.

Speaking of Countdown, it continues to embrace the "Less Talking More Action" strategy which is working for it. Monarch/Captain Atom shows his real power and is still just a 2nd rate villain at best. I mean, can we say "DC's version of Kang the Conqueror?" Why does DC even need a version of Kang? Marvel doesn't even need a version of him.

The best comic that I read this week is "Trials of Shazam #11". One more issue until the end. This comic wins because the art is terrific. The story is interesting, but I wish that the whole thing was a secondary plot in a much wider series of books. Or had been a 6-issue mini instead of a 12. It just seems the pacing is totally off for some reason.

Congrats Trials!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are you going to abandon this nonsense called Countdown? Haven't they been "counting down" to some shit for like ten years or something? Man, you are a sunk DC geek like I am a Batman geek. Is it really that good?

That cover is kind of nice though, is that Travis?

Sunday, February 03, 2008  
Blogger John said...

Oh, right. And 50 years in the future, when people are paying 5 trillion dollars for a complete collection of the series that caused DC's final collapse, I'll be kicking myself for being only 12 issues short.

No way Jose!

Ok, I'm lying to myself. I am sadly addicted to completing collections. So there. Happy? ;-)

The cover is by Mauro Cascioli, apparently.

Monday, February 04, 2008  

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