Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Facebook and other things

Some thoughts:

1) Facebook is getting noisy. I think I might start blogging again. No promises!
2) "War of Kings: Ascension" has finished up. Darkhawk will now roam the universe trying to find more Darkhawk shards (conveniently shaken loose from wherever they were by the Kree's new "Echo" weapons). It's like Dragonball Z, except way more lame. It's basically a video game plot: "Help Darkhawk find the lost shards and save the universe from the evil...uh...Darkhawks."
3) 'Brain Exercises' May Delay Memory Decline In Dementia
4) I am impressed by the sheer amount of movies now available from Netflix on my XBOX since the new Live patch today. I'll be trying that out tonight.
5) The wife and I have been watching movies starring Hank Azaria lately. Hank probably has a Google Search on himself and may visit this site to see why I'm talking about him, so I wanted to say this: I am awed by his ability to stick with an accent throughout an entire film, from the effete British accent in Mystery Men to the Boris Karloff impression in Night in the Museum 2, he never fails to impress. Also, Night in the Museum has a few parts where I can not fathom how much discipline it takes Ben Stiller to remain placid in the face of Mr. Azaria's incredible tirades. While the film may not be of Oscar caliber, Hank's character should be recognized somewhere for how over-the-top it was while never slipping into the unentertaining. Awesome.