Sunday, September 22, 2013

New Keyboard!

Since I never post here anymore, and because I just got a new, spiffy mechanical, extra-clicky keyboard, I am celebrating with a blog post. This keyboard is so fast, I am typing at speeds normally reserved for people who actually know how to type, but have misplaced a few fingers due to unfortunate accidents involving blenders and margarita mix.

Since I know you're curious as to my current relationship with the comic book industry, I might as well write down some thoughts:

  1. Infinity: I can't hardly decipher what's going on, the art is so dense and cluttered. Sometimes, I really like the story, and other times it's like reading a novel in Greek. And I can't read Greek. 
  2. Trinity War: Glarg. I am really not liking DC in general lately. It's too violent, too many mad people stomping all over the place. It's like someone took the company and sent it back in time to it's teenage goth years. 
  3. Villain one-shots. I gave up on those. I didn't enjoy them and, really, I read comics for the heroes. Call me old-fashioned.
  4. Fantastic Four: I'm liking both series, we'll see where the new writers take them.
  5. Aquaman: See angry, violent, stomping around.
  6. Iron Man in Space: I like Iron Man in Space. I hope he stays there. 
  7. Guardians of the Galaxy: I liked the old series. This one isn't as fun as the old one, the relationship between the characters is broken now that Starman got retconned to be more movie friendly. 
  8. Brain Boy: Found this comic a couple weeks ago. I like it.
  9. Quantum and Woody: Yes I get this. I got it when it first came out. The new series isn't as funny as I remember, but then, I was a lot younger when it originally came out. It might just be me. 

Until next year!