Thursday, October 02, 2008

Comics Update

No, not "best comic". There really wasn't one this week.

It was a slim week, and I managed to escape the comic store with only three books.

Justice League: The fight with Anasasi is on, but the plot is yet to be revealed. There was a possible retcon of Animal Man, but maybe there wasn't. This was a double-sized issue, but it didn't really have double-sized content.It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

Invincible: I really need to drop this book. Invincible is no longer having fun being Invincible, and that means I'm not having fun reading Invincible.

Grant Morrison's Batman RIP. I grabbed it because it's like watching a car crash. I wonder if the Joker will now forever have a split tongue. This book is patented "Morrison's entire run will now have to take place in a separate universe because he left the character in such shambles."

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Remember Transparent Aluminum?

In Star Trek IV, Scotty trades the formula for transparent aluminum for large sheets of Plexiglas. Now, scientists have done him one better and are creating transparent sheets of carbon nanotubes that are stronger than steel.

I'm thinking large hotel chains will start using these in their beach-side resorts at some point. Just a thought.