In retrospect, 2010 was a year that had a lot of things happen. In the comic realm, however, not a lot was generated that really is worth talking about. The whole Darkest Night thing, the whole Brightest Day thing, the end of Norman Osborn's Reign and the Beginning of the Heroic Age. I bought a lot of comics but not very many really stick out in my head. There are two that I've been liking recently, though.
Secret Avengers has been a really good comic. Centering on Captain America-level heroes with a cosmic level guy thrown in here and there as a distraction, the writing has been tight and the main characters well defined. The current arc, with Shang-Chi, has been pretty decent, but the first arc was really excellent.
Second on my list is the new D&D comic. I currently work for WOTC, so my interest was purely professional at the start, but when I found that the writer, John Rogers, was the author of some of the best Blue Beetle comics of the past couple years, I began to hope. Once I read issue #0, I began to despair, but things quickly turned around in issues #1 and #2. It's a good comic, a lot of action and funny character interactions. I'm hoping Rogers can stick with this for some time.
In other parts of my 2010, I played the heck out of Dragon Age, played some Champions Online, and got myself reacquainted with 4th Edition D&D. I read some good novels, like the latest William Gibson novel, but was mostly underwhelmed by the fiction I picked up this year.
For 2011, I'm hoping I can ramp my schedule up again and begin to write about comics and such more frequently. I'm not promising anything, but we'll see what I can fit in.