Friday, February 01, 2008

Best Comic

It was a lean week for comics.

The Black Adam miniseries finally ended. Some nice double-dealing by Felix Faust, but all in all, an underwhelming ending to what started out as a powerful series. Things might have been better had the end of the series not been revealed almost a year ago in the first issues of Countdown.

Speaking of Countdown, it continues to embrace the "Less Talking More Action" strategy which is working for it. Monarch/Captain Atom shows his real power and is still just a 2nd rate villain at best. I mean, can we say "DC's version of Kang the Conqueror?" Why does DC even need a version of Kang? Marvel doesn't even need a version of him.

The best comic that I read this week is "Trials of Shazam #11". One more issue until the end. This comic wins because the art is terrific. The story is interesting, but I wish that the whole thing was a secondary plot in a much wider series of books. Or had been a 6-issue mini instead of a 12. It just seems the pacing is totally off for some reason.

Congrats Trials!